
Kybella in Charlotte, NC


Kybella is a non-surgical facial treatment that uses injections to contour your jawline and eliminate the appearance of a double chin. Kybella targets excess fat cells that live under your chin, more formally known as submental fat cells. The chemical formula of Kybella exactly matches the deoxycholic acid naturally produced by our bodies to absorb fat, guaranteeing positive, permanent results. A great alternative to a more invasive surgical procedure, Kybella sessions typically take less than fifteen minutes and don’t require general anesthesia. As the only FDA-approved injectable of its kind, Kybella is only available for neck and jawline sculpting.

Still on the fence? Schedule a consultation with one of Urban MedSpa’s expert cosmetic injectors to determine if Kybella is right for you!


Depending on your aesthetic goals and the amount of treatable fat, the average patient typically requires between two and four sessions of Kybella.

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